Appliance Category

Small Cooking Appliances
Air Fryer, Sous vide, Pressure Cooker, Bread Maker, Kitchen machine, Rice Cooker,

Drinking Series
Drinking Fountains, Coffee Machine, Health Pot, Water Purifier, Electric Kettle, High Speed Blender

Major Home Appliances
Disinfection Cabinet, Integrated Stove, Range Hood, Steam Oven, Dish Washer
Cooking Product Solutions | Cloud Recipe Backend

- Use the recipe background for free, flexible entry of recipes
- 31 languages available
- Once the cloud recipe is opened, numerous OEM devices have access to it.
- Enter content and the page in public version is displayed in the App instantly
- Banner management, new device operation and new recipe transmitted to user without cost
- Nutrients analysis and record the nutritions you have taken into your stomach.

Kitchen Appliance App
- Support tourist mode, view recipes without registration on the App
- Banner advertising space (B-end operation content, for example, recommend a new deviceļ¼
- Show recommended new recipes on the homepage, to increase the utilization rate of new recipes
- Update continues…
For customers of kitchen appliance brands, place Recipe on the App homepage, which not only strengthens App characteristics and personality of kitchen appliances for brand customers, but enhances user’s experience on recipes.